Digital Body Language is here!

Erica Dhawan
2 min readMay 13, 2021

Digital Body Language is a response to our digital communication crisis. With email anxiety and Zoom fatigue at an all-time high, this book is your antidote and will bring clarity, sanity, and true collaboration back to our work and personal lives.

Writing this book has been a journey over the last four years, and I’m so thrilled to share it with you now. I truly believe this book is here at the perfect time as so many of us are continuing to figure out virtual work and now are transitioning to a hybrid workplace. I hope you’ll consider picking up a copy of the book and spreading the word.

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Below is a sample post and here are more book pictures!

With email anxiety and Zoom fatigue at an all-time high, DIGITAL BODY LANGUAGE: How to Build Trust & Connection No Matter the Distance by collaboration expert Erica Dhawan comes just in time, offering a wide array of antidotes to the existing issues surrounding virtual communications and proactive plans for hybrid work. I love this book and I think you’ll enjoy it too. Order your copy at



Erica Dhawan

Keynote Speaker on 21st Century Teamwork and Innovation. Author, GET BIG THINGS DONE and DIGITAL BODY LANGUAGE (ORDER HERE: