BIG NEWS | Get to Know Me Behind the Scenes

Erica Dhawan
Jul 25, 2022


Many of you know me as Erica, author and keynote speaker. Maybe you’ve read my book. Or, maybe you’ve seen me keynote.

But do you really know me?

Like many of you, I found 2022 to be a transformative year. I hired a professional film company to go behind the scenes and capture who I am offstage and why I am so passionate about this work. My hope is that this new video will give you a better picture of my work and ultimately help us connect on a deeper level.

I hope you enjoy, “Making a Keynote Speaker.” I’m so excited to candidly share my journey that I took to get to where I am today with you.

Be sure to keep up with me on my Linkedin and Instagram to watch my story continue to unfold.



Erica Dhawan

Keynote Speaker on 21st Century Teamwork and Innovation. Author, GET BIG THINGS DONE and DIGITAL BODY LANGUAGE (ORDER HERE: